Dental Multiple Choice Questions Answer

Dental Multiple Choice Questions Answer

Test No :10 (Oncology of the maxillofacial area)

A complete salivary fistula occurs as a result

  1. bending of the intraglandular part of the duct
  2. complete intersection or rupture of the duct
  3. duct wall defect write the

Odontogenic tumors include

  1. myxoma of the jaw
  2. chondroma
  3. ameloblastoma
  4. Ewing’s sarcoma
  5. eosinophilic granuloma

The treatment method for congenital lateral neck cyst is

  1. surgery followed by radiation therapy
  2. surgical
  3. radiation therapy
  4. 1) and (3) are true
  5. Cryodestruction

Doughy consistency is typical for

  1. hemangiomas
  2. fibroids
  3. angiodysplasia
  4. lymphangiomas
  5. paramaxillary phlegmon

An odontogenic tumor is

  1. eosinophilic granuloma
  2. giant cell tumor
  3. desmoplastic fibroma
  4. ameloblastoma
  5. osteoma

Which nerve does not pass through the parotid gland?

  1. posterior auricular nerve
  2. facial nerve
  3. nerve fibers from the ear ganglion

Histiocytosis X refers to

  1. myxoma of the jaw bones
  2. melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
  3. ameloblastoma
  4. neurofibromatosis
  5. eosinophilic granuloma

 From which cyst do epithelial cords arise with the subsequent development of “daughter” cysts?

  1. follicular
  2. non-odontogenic
  3. epidermoid

Exostoses include

  1. both options are correct
  2. congenital jaw deformities
  3. there is no right answer
  4. bone deformities of the jaws that occur after tooth extraction

 A true non-odontogenic tumor is

  1. eosinophilic granuloma
  2. giant cell tumor
  3. fibrous dysplasia
  4. ameloblastoma
  5. ameloblastic fibroma

What is not synonymous with parenchymal mumps

  1. chronic sialectatic parotitis
  2. Küttner’s inflammatory tumor
  3. chronic recurrent parotitis

The main cause of mandibular dislocation is

  1. Inferior macrognathia
  2. reduction in the height of the articular tubercle
  3. decrease in bite height

 Sclerosing therapy is indicated in the treatment

  1. hemangiomas
  2. papillomatosis
  3. retention cyst
  4. fibromatosis
  5. true 3) and 4)

Epulid is

  1. malignant tumor
  2. tumor-like disease
  3. Inflammatory periodontal disease

A true benign tumor is

  1. giant cell epulis
  2. angiodysplasia
  3. eosinophilic granuloma
  4. fibrous dysplasia
  5. traumatic bone cyst

Violation of the process of tooth formation – partial primary adentia, characteristic of

  1. Ewing’s sarcoma
  2. fibroids
  3. osteomas
  4. reticular sarcoma
  5. Cherubism

 It is recommended to treat capillary and limited capillary-cavernous hemangiomas in children using the

  1. X-ray
  2. chemotherapy
  3. surgical
  4. cryodestruction
  5. combined

 A true benign tumor is

  1. Albright’s syndrome
  2. eosinophilic granuloma
  3. osteoma
  4. Cherubism
  5. follicular cyst

Method for preventing the development of wound infection in a gunshot wound

  1. prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. prescription of antibacterial agents
  3. early surgical treatment

 When diagnosing neoplasms in children, the leading method is

  1. morphological
  2. macroscopy of postoperative material
  3. X-ray
  4. clinical
  5. cytological

A feature of most neoplasms in children is their

  1. dysontogenetic origin
  2. true 3) and 4)
  3. slow growth
  4. high sensitivity to chemotherapy
  5. high sensitivity to R-therapy

Electrocoagulation as an independent method of treatment is recommended in the treatment of

  1. pigmented nevus
  2. cavernous hemangioma
  3. solitary telangiectasia
  4. lymphangiomas
  5. hairy nevus

The “superior dental plexus” is

  1. anastomoses of the 11, Ill branches of the trigeminal nerve
  2. anastomoses of the I, 11 branches of the trigeminal nerve
  3. anastomoses of the superior alveolar branches

 The leading method of treating neoplasms in children is

  1. combined
  2. hormone therapy
  3. chemotherapy
  4. surgical
  5. radiation therapy

The most common surgical procedure performed in a dental surgery office

  1. taking a biopsy
  2. removal of tumors
  3. tooth extraction

 Inflammatory processes in the area of the nasolabial lymph node differ in their

  1. limitation, protracted course, tendency to relapse
  2. prevalence of the process, protracted course, relapses
  3. prevalence of the process, acute course, lack of tendency to relapse

Dimensional instability is typical for

  1. papillomas
  2. neurofibromatosis
  3. fibroids
  4. salivary gland retention cyst
  5. osteomas

Upon examination of the patient, he was diagnosed with an incomplete internal lateral fistula of the neck. What treatment should be used for this patient?

  1. removal of the fistula to the hyoid bone with resection of the body of the hyoid bone
  2. removal of a fistula that begins on the skin and extends to the level of the thyroid cartilage
  3. removal of a fistula that begins at the level of the thyroid cartilage and extends to the palatine tonsil

Children have the ability to spontaneous regression

  1. osteogenic sarcoma
  2. capillary hemangioma
  3. fibroma
  4. angiodysplasia
  5. osteoma

A true benign tumor is

  1. chondroma
  2. follicular cyst
  3. eosinophilic granuloma
  4. aneurysmal cyst
  5. Cherubism

Manifestation of Gardner’s syndrome in the maxillofacial area

  1. deformation of the ears, pre-auricular fistulas
  2. congenital cleft palate
  3. multiple osteomas of the jaw and facial bones
  4. congenital fistulas on the lower lip
  5. protruding ears

When diagnosing neoplasms in children, the leading method is

  1. morphological
  2. X-ray
  3. cytological
  4. macroscopy of postoperative material
  5. angiography

Clinical signs similar to exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitis are characterized by

  1. fibrous dysplasia
  2. Cherubism
  3. Ewing’s sarcoma
  4. Albright’s syndrome
  5. osteogenic sarcoma

The lower border of the sublingual region is

  1. mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth
  2. mylohyoid muscle
  3. genioglossus muscle

The reason for the development of periostitis is

  1. exacerbation of chronic sinusitis
  2. alveolar fibroma
  3. pericoronitis

 A true benign tumor is

  1. ossifying fibroma
  2. Albright’s syndrome
  3. globulomaxillary cyst
  4. traumatic bone cyst
  5. odontogenic cyst

Treatment of retention cyst of the minor salivary gland is recommended by

  1. hormone therapy
  2. sclerosis
  3. surgical
  4. radiation therapy
  5. combined

The presence of vesicular rashes with serous or bloody contents on the mucous membrane is a pathognomonic sign

  1. hemangiomas
  2. retention cyst
  3. lymphangiomas
  4. papillomas
  5. fibroids

Direction of large lymphatic vessels

  1. corresponds to the course of blood vessels
  2. does not correspond to the course of nerves
  3. does not correspond to the course of blood vessels

The presence of sebaceous and sweat gland products in the cyst cavity is characteristic of a cyst.

  1. mid neck
  2. epidermoid
  3. inflammatory root
  4. dermoid
  5. teething

Focal hyperpigmentation of the skin, early puberty, lesions of the facial bones are characteristic signs

  1. eosinophilic granuloma
  2. Ewing’s sarcoma
  3. Albright’s syndrome
  4. reticular sarcoma
  5. neurofibromatosis

The final diagnosis for suspected tumor is made based on

  1. echography
  2. computed tomography
  3. macroscopy of postoperative material
  4. needle biopsy
  5. morphological study of postoperative material

 Doctor’s tactics regarding eruption cysts

  1. puncture of the cyst followed by cytological examination
  2. performing cystotomy with tooth preservation
  3. expectant (observation)
  4. cystectomy with tooth extraction
  5. 4) and 2) are true

 Macrodentia, enlarged auricle, pigment spots on the skin of the body are characteristic of

  1. 1) and 3) are true
  2. lymphangiomas
  3. neurofibromatosis
  4. hemangiomas
  5. Cherubism

Size instability and a tendency to inflammation are characteristic of

  1. papillomatosis
  2. fibroids
  3. hemangiomas
  4. lymphangiomas
  5. osteomas

The most optimal age for primary uranostaphyloplasty

  1. preschool age
  2. junior school
  3. high school senior

General anesthesia is

  1. conduction anesthesia
  2. vagosympathetic blockade
  3. endotracheal anesthesia

 A true benign tumor is

  1. perihilar inflammatory cyst
  2. fibrous dysplasia
  3. exostosis
  4. osteoclastoma
  5. traumatic bone cyst

A true benign tumor is

  1. Cherubism
  2. Osteoma
  3. traumatic bone cyst
  4. perihilar inflammatory cyst
  5. exostosis

The angular artery is a branch

  1. facial artery
  2. superficial temporal artery
  3. maxillary artery


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